Check your email you'll have a link for later if you can't watch now
Are You Sick of playing the same-old tired licks and phrases?
Are You Ashamed of being the only one at the jam that can't solo?
Are You Tired of feeling stuck with no clue how to progress?
Are You embarrassed by your lack of soloing skill?
It's not your fault!
You have the potential to be great!
You just need the secret to unlock your potential...
This is the easiest way to move around the fretboard!
Your solos don't have to suck anymore.
My name is Nick Morrison, I've been helping guitarists get better without the stress, jargon and hassle of music theory for over 25 years!
I'm a Berklee trained, professional guitarist and teacher in Calgary Alberta, Canada. I've been a composer for film and TV since 2009 - my music has been featured in TV shows around the world.
My YouTube Channel has been around since 2011 where I have helped hundreds of thousands
of students with free lessons tips, tricks and more.
I also am an Amazon #1 Best Selling Author of guitar books!

You don't have enough time for 2 hour practice sessions...
You get home from work, chores, kids, responsibilities...
You only have a quick 15min to yourself...
How can you possibly ever get any better at guitar?
Each lesson in my system is less than 15 min...
...which means more time for playing!
🚀🔥 Solo and have fun without sounding like a complete newb! 🔥🚀
What Students Say:
Taig wasn't sure about online lessons, but after spending over $4000 on in-person lessons...
he needed a change! His playing has exploded!
This is a must watch!
Rich went from unable to solo in anything but the same old pentatonic box, being bored and uninspired to being completely fluent all around the fretboard in any key, able to have fun and play the way he wanted to!
Eduardo went from being overwhelmed and confused almost giving up guitar!
To playing fluently and progressing in multiple styles of music virtually overnight!

You already know why you're here...
It's time to do something about it!
Unleash the Fretboard Infinity Loop!
Don't let your guitar dream slip away

🎸 Fretboard Infinity Loop System - sound like a pro and have more fun! ($1200* value)
🎸 Lifetime access - includes all updates
🎸 Professionally created backing tracks - have fun and sound great right away
🎸 Guitar Dojo app - private lessons in your pocket - anytime!
🎸 Web browser access - for when you want a larger layout
🎸 Exclusive Access to a community of like minded players
🎸 Certificate of completion
*System is a 10 week course. $1200 = 10 weeks at $120/hour 1:1 at my normal private lesson rate
💥 Ear Training 101 - easily hear and feel what you are playing ($49.99 value)
💥 In-App Lick Library - steal these licks to sound better now ($99.99 value)
💥 Reference Library - for all Scales and Modes ($99.99 value)
💥 Fretboard Memorization Mini Course - all notes all over the guitar ($19.99 value)
💥 Speed Picking mini-course - Get faster, need I say more? ($19.99 value)
💥 All charts & diagrams - downloadable and printable - (priceless)

*please note, no phyical products will be delivered to you - this is a digital only product
What you get:
Instead of confusion - Clarity
Instead of anxiety - Excitement
Instead of self-doubt - Pride
What does it cost?
If you purchase everything separately:
10 weeks private lessons: $1200
Bonuses: $287.97
Total: $1487.97
Get Your Entire 10 week Fretboard Infinity Loop System
plus complimentary bonuses for just:
That's less than $3/week vs. traditional guitar lessons at a store/studio!!!

Q: Do I have to pay a subscription every year or are there any other charges?
A: No. It's a one time payment, which includes everything you see listed, grants lifetime access and all future updates.
Q: I can't read music - what do I do?
A: Don't worry - I've designed every lesson so that you don't need to read music. Standard tablature as well as regular notation are included with every lesson, and are downloadable!
Q: What if I've got questions for a real person?
A: There is a community feature in the app that is live and you can ask any questions you may have!
Q: What if I get through all the content really fast?
A: This is a 10 week course delivered 1 week at a time, so you'll never feel overwhelmed. Also, since you have lifetime access - you can go back and re-watch the lessons as many times as you wish!
Q: What if I don't have a band or anyone to play with live?
A: No worries - I've got your back! There are a range of backing tracks available in the app and for download in the bonus DropBox with new tracks being added all the time!
Q: Do you offer a guarantee?
A: While I can warrant that my system and the material you will learn is of the highest calibre; I have no way to monitor or ensure that you will actually practice the guitar or use any of the information or techniques I provide to you. I've made it as simple as possible - but ultimately you have to practice. Like all things in life - individual results will vary. For this reason I do not offer a refund policy.
Q: Will I receive any physical product?
A: No. This is digital only, delivered entirely online (through the Guitar Dojo App and/or web browser) However, you will get access to all download all supplemental materials in pdf and you can print off as many copies as you like!